Without a doubt, the medical field is very personal, even invasive at times. It has to be in order to offer any real help to you. You tell and show your doctor things that you would’t tell anyone else, not even your closest friend or spouse. Medical practitioners take this responsibility very seriously. The exam room should be a black hole to any personal information that you decide to tell (or show) the medical team assisting you, the only exception being indications of harming yourself or others. Oh, and the emergency room (ER). That place is for saving lives, not keeping secrets. In the ER, everything you say can be heard by the patient on the other side of that curtain. But don’t worry, you get to hear their story too. Maybe you’ll luck out and it will be an interesting one!
With that being said, anyone who works with the general public on a regular basis understands that sometimes you meet, um, interesting people. Due to the nature of the medical field, we sometimes get the privilege of knowing these people more personally than we’d like. Honestly, sometimes it’s hilarious and makes my day. But sometimes, like a “Gen Z-er,” I just can’t even.
Here are some of those times…