About This Blog

Have you ever waited hours in the doctor’s office only to spend less than ten minutes with the doctor or PA/NP? Infuriating, right? Well, you’re not alone. 

I can’t speak for your individual doctor on that particular day but I CAN tell you that they probably weren’t excited about it either. Running behind schedule in clinic is nothing but stressful and frustrating for everyone involved. Although there have always been reasons for delays, today’s modern medical system is seeing them become increasingly unavoidable. Why?

Well, to put it simply, it’s complicated.  🙃

But the end result means that the actual medical visit with your doctor, PA, or NP is getting shorter and shorter. Medical providers can’t take the time to sit with you and educate you about your own body anymore, even though they’d love to. This understandably pushes people to go to the internet to be educated on medical matters and search for alternatives, but often it isn’t accurate information. With less and less time to spend in the room sharing reliable and sound knowledge with patients, my goal is to do that here. 

You know that part at the end of the visit when your doctor, PA, or NP has just left the room after discussing the diagnosis and treatment plan with you but you still have questions? Questions like: “what is insulin resistant diabetes again?,” “why won’t he just give me antibiotics?,” or “I wonder if he believes that totally bogus story I made up about my embarrassing injury?”

That’s where this blog picks up. So, stick around and let’s “continue the visit.”

Thanks for reading!

-Robert Ridgeway, PA-C